
Rights and Obligations of Patients

1. Patient Rights

According to the state laws and provisions, including General Principles of the Civil Law, Law on Licensed Doctors, and Administrative Regulations on Medical Institutions, patients who come to the hospital for treatment, regardless of their nationality, gender, economic status, education level, ethnicity, religion, marital status, and payment method, have the following rights:

1.1. To receive thoughtful, comfortable, and high-quality medical and nursing services.

1.2. To know the members of the medical team.

1.3. To receive relevant information regarding diagnosis, illness condition, therapies, treatment outcomes (including unexpected situations), surgical procedures, medical risks, clinical trials, and disease prognosis. Please sign the "Informed Consent and Authorization Form" upon admission.

1.4. To participate in the formulation and implementation of treatment plans and take part in discussions on ethical issues that arise during the treatment process, including the choice to terminate resuscitation and withdraw life support treatment, depending on the actual situation.

1.5. To the extent permitted by law, patients may choose to refuse treatment or be discharged automatically but shall not require inappropriate or medically impossible treatment or services.

1.6. To consent or refuse to participate in research projects related to treatment.

1.7. To request the hospital to respond appropriately to their reasonable service needs within its service scope.

1.8. To request that personal privacy be respected and protected. The hospital must meet the reasonable privacy requirements of patients during case discussions, joint consultations, examinations, and treatments, such as using curtains in the ward; individuals who are not directly involved in the patient's treatment must obtain the patient's consent before being on the scene.

1.9. To request the confidentiality of personal information, as well as all content and records related to treatment. When relevant personnel access medical records, they must comply with the "Medical Records Retrieval and Copying Rules."

1.10. To receive treatment in a safe environment, be treated with courtesy, and receive protection.

1.11. To receive information regarding matters to be aware of after discharge.

1.12. To copy their medical records within the limits of relevant regulations.

1.13. To request information about the hospital's services and related regulations.

1.14. To check their bills and receive reasonable explanations regardless of the payment method.

1.15. To file a complaint. The hospital's relevant departments should receive medical disputes or complaints and promptly inform the measures that have been taken.

1.16. To receive appropriate pain assessment and management.

1.17. The terminally ill patients should receive services and care that are respectful and compassionate.

2. Patient Obligations

A good doctor-patient relationship is built on mutual trust and cooperation. Ideal treatment outcomes require both the protection of the patient's legal rights and the patient's fulfillment of certain obligations in medical activities. The main obligations that patients should fulfill are as follows:

2.1. To abide by the hospital's rules and regulations and not infringe upon the rights of hospital staff and other patients.

2.2. To cooperate with the physician-in-charge, nurses, and other relevant medical workers in the treatment and care plan, and take responsibility for refusing treatment or not following instructions.

2.3. To understand one's own illness, treatment, prognosis, and post-discharge health care matters; if unclear, one should seek guidance from the physician-in-charge.

2.4. To truthfully provide information related to the disease and diagnosis, and not intentionally conceal facts or provide misleading information.

2.5. To cooperate with the hospital's educational work if one's physical condition allows.

2.6. To promptly inform the relevant staff to seek assistance if one has language or communication problems.

2.7. To care for hospital facilities and equipment.

2.8. To fulfill payment obligations and make payments in accordance with the hospital's regulations.

2.9. One shall not bring unnecessary valuable items and personal property into the ward. The hospital is not responsible for financial losses caused by failure to comply with hospital rules and regulations, as well as losses of valuable items and personal property brought by patients or their family members.

3. Hospital Obligations

All staff of the hospital have a responsibility to ensure that patients understand their rights and obligations:

3.1 The "Rights and Obligations of Patients" should be posted in prominent and appropriate positions in wards, inpatient halls, and outpatient halls for easy patient access.

3.2 When patients are admitted, nurses should explain the "Rights and Obligations of Patients" to them or their authorized representatives. The "Rights and Obligations of Patients" should be signed by the patients or their authorized representatives and kept in their medical records.

3.3 The hospital should provide pre-employment training and annual training for employees to ensure that they understand their responsibilities and roles in protecting the rights of patients and their families.